
Chiptune Compilation I

A compilation of some chiptunes I like. Tunes featured in this part are: 1. Strobe - "Chipset Sunset" Download: files.exotica.org.uk 2. Loonie - "Back 2k" Download: files.exotica.org.uk 3. Josss - "Fuck Da Ripper" Download: files.exotica.org.uk 4. Raina - "Yellowhale" Download: files.exotica.org.uk You can play those XM files with eg XMPlay: support.xmplay.com or WinAMP with the BASS plugin installed: www.winamp.com YulliSomenone has also converted all the tunes in this compilation to MP3 format: bitly.com Playlist: www.youtube.com

Gibson ES

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