
Find Duplicate Mp3 Files with an iTunes Duplicate Remover

If you are wondering what is the best way to find duplicate mp3 files, your in the right place. Having copies of songs can be very annoying and also take up a lot of space on your computers hard drive.

If you are anything like me, or most people, you have a good amount of downloaded music on your computer. When you download music from multiple online sources song details tend to change and get mixed up. For instance in iTunes and Windows Media Player Jay Z and Jay-Z are two different artists. Having an unorganized music collection leads to downloading more duplicate songs because you can't find what you want readily, so you download the song again. Lucky for us there is a very easy way to find duplicate mp3 files.

iTunes comes with a function that can find duplicates, but only if the song titles are spelled the exact same way. Now that doesn't help much does it? That is why I use a much better iTunes duplicate finder. It can scan my music files and find duplicates and either delete them or mark them as duplicates. It works wonders, and I was even more pleased with the other features of the program. Here is a short list.

Fix Misspelled Song Details

Complete Missing ID3 Tags

Find & Download Missing Cd Cover Art

Organize Genres in iTunes

Fully Automated Software

This iTunes duplicate remover is solely responsible for finding all my duplicate mp3 files and clearing up countless megabytes of space on my computer. And now that my library is organized and every song is accounted for, I don't have to worry about downloading any more duplicates!

Bass-Guitarstory Gibson ES

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